11 Apr

With the increase in competition in each and every industry be it offline or online, you have to be up to the mark to be on top of the mind of your potential crowd. For online, having just a presence won’t serve you, to get the desired results you have to apply various strategies referring to various online platforms. As recorded in March 2017, there are around 2.8 million apps in Google Play Store and 2.2 million apps in Apple’s App Store.

With such a huge number of apps competing, you have to be different and follow the best ASO practices for Play Store and App Store. Below we will cover some of the practices to be considered for the ones who are planning of having an app or already have an app. First and foremost thing required for an App to be on top and to be successful is its discovery & results while searching i.e. App Store Optimization (ASO).

Important Search Criteria/ Pattern


It is found that, 63% of people use and download apps while searching the app in an app store. When people search for specific type among store, like gaming app, informative app, free apps, and social apps and so on, your app should appear in top list.

Ranking/Top Charts

To get downloaded, your app should be visible on top while searching as people won’t be digging the entire store to search you.


There are various categories present on store’s home page such as Top charts, Games, Categories, Early Access, Family, and Editors’ Choice and so on. If you be on this list, the ratio of your app getting downloaded gets higher.

How do you get your App to Fulfil above Search Pattern?

To fulfil the above search pattern, i.e. to optimize an Android and an iOS App detail page of your App in respective stores, you have to keep in mind & implement below steps:

App Title

The title of the app should be very precise, unique and should focus on your business or category in general. Keep in mind that there are character limitations, for play store the title should only be 30 characters while for App Store it should be 255 characters.


The description of the app should cover the keywords relevant to your industry as well as it should give the category highlights. It should cover few important points such as:

  • The location you want to cater
  • The category in general
  • Your USP (Why should customer buy your product?)
  • Your product worthiness in terms of price and functionality/feature


The ranking to a greater extent gets affected with the keywords you select. Therefore, research in-depth about your category, your target audience, your product and choose keyword wisely. Bear in mind few things:

  • Do not overuse the keywords
  • Do not repeat keywords in same sentence
  • Keep an eye on competitors keywords


Choose your category accurately as would be a lot of help to grab a right set of audience while they are searching category wise.


More of the users view the screenshots before downloading the app. Ensure that your screenshot should be convincing enough to get you app downloaded. It is recommended to keep the realistic screenshots of your app. You can highlight the ones with attractive banners.

Reviews & Ratings

It is found that apps with higher ratings rank top. Around 34% of app that people are using is being browsed by Top Rated and Most Popular. Create an amazing User Interface and get higher ratings from your user. Encourage your user to leave a positive review as they are like word of mouth marketing for online users.


Get maximum downloads by marketing your brand and app as apps with maximum downloads also rank high.

App Localization

App stores allow you to cater a large set of audience across various countries. But it is recommended to localize your app to increase your distribution to your targeted set of customers. Make sure that you app includes all the languages of the locales you want to serve.

If you want to get maximum visibility and increase the download ratio of your app, consider following the above steps minutely.

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